CONTENTS (Click a link to jump to a section):
Weigh-ins are conducted WITHOUT the gi on the day of the tournament.
Competitors must wear undergarments while weighing in.
Competitors are given a one-pound allowance to account for undergarments and scale discrepancies.
If a competitor is competing in multiple divisions, they only need to make weight once in order to receive their competitor wristband.
The competitor wristband signifies that a competitor has met the weight requirements in their division.
If a competitor loses their wristband, they may be disqualified from the tournament altogether.
After weighing-in, a Grappling Games official will secure the wristband on the competitor's wrist. Do not remove your wristband until you are done competing for the day and have left the tournament.
If a competitor does not weigh in during their assigned weigh-in time, they will be disqualified from their divisions.
If an adult competitor does not make weight, they will be disqualified from the divisions where they did not meet the weight requirements (ex. a competitor who misses weight in a specific weight class may still be qualified to compete in the Absolute division).
If a child competitor (12 yrs and under) does not make weight, they will NOT be disqualified.
The Grappling Games tournament director must be notified as soon as possible that the child has not met the weight requirements.
The Grappling Games tournament director will make every effort to move them into their appropriate weight category. If that particular division has already started competing, the child may have to move up to a larger weight class or a higher experience level.
No cups are allowed.
Mouthpieces are allowed, but not required.
Headgear is not allowed.
Socks are not allowed.
Wrestling shoes are not allowed.
Profanity or offensive words or images on clothing are not allowed.
Metal or plastic braces or protectors are not allowed.
If a competitor's clothing is damaged during a match, the competitor has five minutes to change and return to the match.
Competitors must wear a BJJ gi and belt in good condition (clean and dry, with no tears, rips, or hanging threads).
Pants and jacket must match in color; any color gi is allowed.
Patches on the gi must not interfere with competition.
Gi jacket sleeves must be within 3 inches above the wrist.
Gi jacket sleeve openings must be at least 3 inches wide while worn.
Gi pants must be within 4 inches above the ankle.
Gi pants openings at the ankles must be at least 3 inches wide while worn.
Competitors may wear rash guards under the gi jacket, but may not wear normal cloth t-shirts (to prevent finger injuries while gripping).
No-gi uniform must be in good condition (clean and dry, with no tears, rips, or hanging threads).
All competitors must wear a rash guard while competing.
Normal cloth t-shirts are not allowed.
Competitors must wear fight shorts, board shorts, spandex, spats, or leggings while competing.
Gi pants are not allowed in no-gi competition.
Competitors may not wear any articles that have pockets, belt loops, zippers, buttons, or metal/plastic pieces.
Drawstrings are allowed, as long as they can be securely tied and tucked in as to not interfere with the match.
Finger and toenails must be trimmed short, with no sharp or jagged edges.
Long hair must be controlled as to not interfere with competition.
No jewelry is allowed. If it is permanent body jewelry, the entire area must be securely taped over before competing to make sure it cannot be snagged on clothing or gis.
Shoes must be worn off the mats at all times. If a competitor is found in the restroom without shoes, they will be disqualified.
Competitors must not have any open cuts or active infections while competing.
All brackets are a modified double elimination to guarantee two matches per division.
Bracket formats can be viewed here: Brackets
If there are less than 4 competitors in a division, brackets may be combined.
If a competitor does not show up, or is unable to fight in a division (ex. from an injury in a previous division), the entire bracket may be re-drawn to provide a more fair outcome for the remaining competitors. This helps prevent situations where a competitor gets a bye to the finals.
Children 12 and under who do not place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd will receive a Grappling Games dog tag as a participation medal.
Competitors are given a minimum of five minutes to rest in between matches.
Round Robin format for 3-man brackets:
In case of a tie (where all competitors win one match), the following criteria will be used​ as tie-breakers to determine the winner (listed in descending order of importance):
Highest number of wins by submission​
Highest number of wins by points
Highest number of wins by disqualification
Highest number of wins by referee decision
Shortest match length (if the number of wins by submission is tied)
Highest number of points in winning match (if the number of wins by points is tied), including advantages
In the very rare case that competitors are still tied, placement will occur by referee decision​
Kids (4 - 7 yrs) - 2 minutes
Consolation bracket matches for kids may be shortened by 30 seconds
Kids (8 - 12 yrs) - 3 minutes
Consolation bracket matches for kids may be shortened by 30 seconds
Teens (13 - 17 yrs) - 4 minutes
Consolation bracket matches for teens may be shortened by 30 seconds
Adults (18 - 29 yrs)
Gi divisions:
White - 5 minutes
Blue - 6 minutes
Purple - 6 minutes
Brown - 6 minutes
Black - 7 minutes
No-Gi divisions:
Beginner - 5 minutes
Intermediate - 6 minutes
Advanced - 6 minutes
Expert - 7 minutes
Masters (30 yrs+) - 5 minutes
There is no overtime. If both competitors have an equal number of points, advantages, and penalties, then the match will be decided by the Referee Decision. The referee will choose the competitor who was most aggressive in attempting to submit their opponent.
Repêchage​ matches may be shorted by up to one minute
Points are awarded for the following actions:
Takedown - 2 points
Knee on Belly - 2 points
Sweep - 2 points
Locked submission attempts ending out-of-bounds (judged as impossible to recreate fairly) - 2 points
Guard Pass - 3 points
Mount - 4 points
Back Control (with hooks) - 4 points
All positions must be held and controlled for a minimum of 3 seconds in order to receive points.
While defending a submission, if a competitor completes an action that would normally receive points, the competitor must first successfully defend the submission and be clear before the referee can award the points.
Points will not be awarded if a competitor willfully abandons an advantageous position, in order to regain the same position for more points.
If a position is not controlled and maintained for the full 3-second count, the competitor will receive an Advantage instead of points
​Advantages are counted separately from points. They act as a tie breaker if both competitors have the same number of points.
Advantages are awarded for the following actions:
A competitor almost completes a takedown.
​A competitor almost completes an action that would have earned points if it had been maintained for a full 3-second count.
Strong submission attempts (judged as almost resulting in a tap).
Controlling top position after both competitors pull guard.
A match is won by submission if:
The opponent physically taps his hand or foot on the other competitor, or if he taps his foot on the mat.
The opponent verbally says "Tap", makes a pained sound, yells, or asks the referee to stop the match.
Referee stoppage:
The referee has the authority to stop a match at anytime if it is deemed that a competitor may be seriously injured.
The referee has the authority to stop a match between kids (4 - 12 years old) once a submission is locked in.
Ex. If a child is clearly caught in an armbar, the referee may stop the match at his discretion before the armbar is fully extended, even if the child has not tapped.
A competitor forfeits a match if:
The competitor's coach asks the referee to end the match.
The parent of a competitor under 18 asks the referee to end the match.
A competitor is disqualified for the current single match if:
They do not meet the weight requirements for a division.
They do not show up for a subsequent match. They may still place in their division based on the results of their first match.
They do not meet the uniform or hygiene requirements.
If they are later able to meet the requirements, they may continue competing in their remaining matches.
They have a medical issue that stops the match (ex. loss of consciousness, cramping, vomiting, loss of bowels).
If they are later able to control the medical issue, they may continue competing in their remaining matches.
They have an injury where the bleeding cannot be stopped or controlled.
If they are later able to control the bleeding injury, they may continue competing in their remaining matches.
They attempt to perform an illegal technique or submission for the first time that day.
A competitor's coach interferes with the match.
A competitor displays excessive celebration ("showboating")
A competitor leaves the competition mat before the referee raises the hand of the winner
A competitor commits a minor foul or a competition foul.
A competitor is disqualified for the entire bracket if:
They do not show up for their first match in that bracket, the bracket has been re-drawn, and matches in the bracket have begun.
A competitor is disqualified from competing altogether in the tournament if:
They lose their competitor wristband (this wristband signifies that the competitor has met the weight requirements).
They conduct themselves in an unsportsmanship-like manner (ex. malicious conduct at any time, continuing to attack an opponent after the match has ended, aggressive verbal or physical behavior with a referee or official).
They are found in the restroom without shoes.
They have received excessive warnings or penalties, and still continue the same behavior.
They make a second attempt to perform the same illegal technique or submission after their first disqualification.
They commit a severe foul.
All fouls and their resulting penalties are left to the discretion of the referee.
Depending on the severity, accidental fouls may result in warnings, penalties, or disqualification from the match.
If the referee deems any foul to have been purposefully and maliciously committed (especially after being warned or penalized), it may be considered a "severe foul," causing a competitor to be disqualified from competing altogether in the tournament.
Fouls include the following:
Attacking the groin
Attempting to stall a match (ex. feigning injury, equipment/uniform malfunction)
Conversing during a match
Hair grabbing/pulling
Pinching/twisting skin
Stalling (if one or both competitors do not attempt to engage, advance their position, or perform a submission for 15 seconds)
Sitting down to obtain the guard position without being physical engaged
Running away from an opponent
Placing fingers or toes inside sleeve or pant openings
Gripping on the outside of the sleeve or pants is allowed
Placing a foot inside the opponent's gi belt
Attempting to use the gi belt as a submission device (ex. wrapping the belt around an opponent's neck)
Small joint manipulation
When gripping, the competitor must have a hold of at least 3 fingers or toes to not be considered a foul
Bending fingers backwards
Referees will give warnings and penalties for competition fouls as follows:
First instance: a warning and a penalty
Second instance: a penalty and an advantage to the competitor's opponent
Third instance: a penalty and 2 points awarded to the competitor's opponent
Fourth instance: a penalty and the competitor will be disqualified
If a severe foul is purposefully committed, the competitor will be disqualified from competing altogether in the tournament.
Severe fouls include the following:
Eye gouging
Fish hooking
Inserting fingers/toes into any orifice
Purposefully assaulting a Grappling Games referee or representative by a competitor or coach
Competitors may have ONE person to coach them inside the barricaded area.
All coaches and waiting competitors inside the barricaded area must sit on the floor to allow spectators a clear view of the matches.
Coaches and waiting competitors may not sit, stand, or walk on the mats.
No video or photography is allowed inside the barricaded area.
Please do not unhook or jump over the barricades.
Remember that this is a family sport. Profanity or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to ask competitors, spectators, or coaches to leave the venue at any time for any reason.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about tournament rules.
BRACKET EXAMPLES (Modified Double Elimination)